Registration form to Blasting Technique 2024 Conference May 15 th – 17 th 2024 Registration form for 1 – 4 persons accommodated together Name of the registered person *Title, first name, last name, titleEmail *Phone numberConference fee for the registered person *Standard conference participant, non-member SSTVP (160 EUR)Member SSTVP or lecture author (140 EUR)Student or non-working pensioner member SSTVP (110 EUR)Conference fee includes lunch and reception on May 16th 2024Name of the 2nd registered personTitle, first name, last name, titleConference fee for the 2nd registered personStandard conference participant, non-member SSTVP (160 EUR)Member SSTVP or lecture author (140 EUR)Student or non-working pensioner member SSTVP (110 EUR)Conference fee includes lunch and reception on May 16th 2024Name of the 3rd registered personTitle, first name, last name, titleConference fee for the 3rd registered personStandard conference participant, non-member SSTVP (160 EUR)Member SSTVP or lecture author (140 EUR)Student or non-working pensioner member SSTVP (110 EUR)Conference fee includes lunch and reception on May 16th 2024Name of the 4th registered personTitle, first name, last name, titleConference fee for the 4th registered personStandard conference participant, non-member SSTVP (160 EUR)Member SSTVP or lecture author (140 EUR)Student or non-working pensioner member SSTVP (110 EUR)Conference fee includes lunch and reception on May 16th 2024 Accompanying persons(persons not attending lectures)Enter the number of Accompanying persons (110 EUR / person) 0123456Names of Accompanying persons Board in Congress Centre AcademiaDinner 15.05.2024 20 EUR/ Person0 pcs.1 pcs.2 pcs.3 pcs.4 pcs.5 pcs.6 pcs.7 pcs.8 pcs.Lunch 17.05.2023 20 EUR/ Person0 pcs.1 pcs.2 pcs.3 pcs.4 pcs.5 pcs.6 pcs.7 pcs.8 pcs. Accommodation KC Academia, Hotel Kontakt, Hotel LesnáPrice per night including breakfast Hotel KC AcademiaNo accommodation1 person in room (100 EUR / night)2 persons in room (150 EUR / night)Lux apartment 2 persons (200 EUR / night)Lux apartment 3 persons (270 EUR / night)Wellness services at a discounted price - Hotel Kontakt 1 person 3 hrs. 20 EUR, information at the reception, please indicate your interest in the note.Hotel KontaktNo accommodation1 person in room (130 EUR / night)2 persons in room (200 EUR / night)3 persons in room (270 EUR / night)Wellness services included, information at the reception.Hotel LesnáNo accommodation1 person in room (230 EUR / night)2 persons in room (230 EUR / night)3 persons in 2 bedrooms apartment (460 EUR / night)4 persons in 2 bedrooms apartment (480 EUR / night)Wellness services included, information at the reception.Days of accommodation:Wednesday 15.05.2024Thursday 16.05.2024Note: Exhibition / Advertisement / ProceedingsExhibition 300 EURnoyesPoster 150 EURnoyesAdvertisement in Proceedingsnoyes, 1 page coloured, 50 EURProceedings of lectures printed 30 EUR / pcs0 pcs1 pcs2 pcs3 pcs4 pcs5 pcs6 pcs7 pcs8 pcs9 pcs10 pcsProceedings of lectures on CD 10 EUR / pcs0 pcs1 pcs2 pcs3 pcs4 pcsProceedings of lectures on USB 20 EUR / pcs0 pcs1 pcs2 pcs3 pcs4 pcs Billing informationTypeOrganizationPrivate personName of CompanyReg. IDVAT IDAddressNotesMessageRegister